- Hiking Programs
- Rock Climbing
- Scuba Diving
- Snorkeling
- Sailing
- Biking
- Rafting
- Backpacking
- Snowboarding
- Skiing
- Enrichment
- Remedial
- Language Immersion
- SAT Preparation
- ACT Preparation
- Theatre
- Music
- Art
- Film
- Photography
- Marine Biology
- Computer
- Writing Programs
- Cooking Programs
- Tennis
- Golf
- Basketball
- Baseball
- Strength Training
- Football
- Lacrosse
- Ice Hockey
- Soccer
- Skate Boarding
- Horseback Riding
Teen Summer Tours United States
We Provide Free Information
United States
Camp to Campus focuses on referring quality tours that stress safety throughout the United States. Camp to Campus offers tours that are both educational and Fun for Teens. There are Eastern adventures, California and Western trips, Florida and Caribbean programs that include Sailing, Scuba and Snorkeling as well as Community Service. Tours in the United States include many activities in varied locations. We have all of the activities you are looking for. We make sure you receive all the brochures and DVDs necessary so that you can choose your Teen Summer Experience and have the best summer ever.
We Offer Free Information:
Need your information in a hurry? Call Ann and Dick Travis at (347) 235-0376 for a consultation and receive links to the teen summer camps best suited for you! Our free summer program information kit with DVD will be provided upon request. To Receive Your Free Information Package Click Here.